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summer youth camps


You are valued here!

Consider this your personal invitation to attend one of our awesome programs at Onomia
this year!

for grades K-11

WEEKEND YOUTH AND ADULT retreats all year round! 
There is no better place to explore the most important values in life.
Onomia lifts up the firm foundation of its Lutheran theological heritage while encouraging people of all faiths to encounter Christ in this holy place. Therefore, we pledge to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God as in Micah 6:8. 
The camp experience DOES make a difference!


Our core values:

+ Significant. The camp experience has proven to be a significant foundation in the development of Christian faith and values in both children and adults. Therefore we will provide program and curriculum which is Christ centered and age level appropriate.
+Relevant. What happens at camp doesn't stay at camp but must be relevant to life back home. Therefore the "mountaintop experience" at camp will become a benefit to family, community, and congregation long after the last campfire goes out.
+Intentional. From sunrise to sunset, all activities will intentionally focus on the concept of "loving like Jesus". Therefore in the rhythm of camp life, we are called to experience the ups and downs of living life in Christian community  together... with grace, compassion, and forgiveness.


How to register:

1. Go to the Registration page to registration either online (preferred) or by surface mail. Registration links are also located in each program listing. Online registration will take you off of this site to our secure provider.
2. If registering by mail, print the downloadable form or pick up a camp summer brochure at your church. Send to us with your form of payment.

3. Full week programs require a $150 minimum deposit. Partial week programs require a $75 deposit. Events and retreats require payment in full. Deposits are not refundable or transferable.
4. Installment payment plans are available in our online registration system if that helps to spread out payments.


1. Programs are designed specifically for the age brackets listed in the program descriptions. Our progressive camp model insures that youth can come back year after year and enjoy a different and more challenging experience each time.


2. Unless listed, all summer programs begin Sunday at 3 PM and end Friday at 1 PM. Retreat and event start and end times are listed in their program descriptions.


3. Our summer staff spend two weeks before campers arrive for in-depth study and job training. We truly care for your children and pledge to provide a safe and nurturing environment for them to grow and experience life together in Christian community.


4. Our summer youth program fees are subsidized by donations from individuals and by member congregations of Camp Onomia. If you are a member of one of these congregations, you can receive a discounted fee if registered by March 15. Everyone pays the full fee after that date.


Explore our Programs!

click on these pics to go to our Program Pages

© 2025 by Camp Onomia Inc    14202 Shakopee Lake Road, Onomia, MN 56359    All rights reserved

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