Generosity is a Gift

Did you know that registration fees for summer youth camps cover less than 60% of the real cost of that camp week? Your support dollars not only sustain this organization for future campers, but is often makes a significant camp experience available to kids and families who could not cover the full cost of camp.
GiveMN makes it even more fun with this twist: Every donation gets put in a pot for hourly drawings of $500 golden tickets! We have even won a few of these! So feel free to donate every hour and even in the week leading up to November 21st.
Give to the MAX
Every November we join other Minnesota non-profits to encourage generous support of ministries and programs from the people they serve. I know that Onomia is a place that is dear and close to your heart.
On Nov. 16th, we ask that you take a few moments to go online, make a few clicks and send your prayerful gift this way.
Giving Generously has never been so easy and important!
This button will take you to our GiveMN donation portal. THANKS

Can you just imagine the number of kids and families that Onomia has touched in summer youth camps since its conception in 1949?
I am constantly humbled by the giving of folks connected to Onomia. They share time and talents and money because this Holy Place has made a difference in their lives, in their family, or in their church. Compelled to be generous, God's people have sustained this ministry for over 70 years, and literally thousands of kids and adults are the better for it! Thank you for caring!

Do you purchase on Amazon? Why not check out our Wish List
for things we can use!
Over half of our budget consists of financial contributions. Campers can experience the life-changing programs here regardless of what they can afford because we will never turn them away. Your donations reduce camp fees, repair and replace facilities, and help cover our year- round staff salaries who care for this place.
It does make a difference!

We offer many support events throughout the year including:
+Annual quilt auction
+GiveMN online giving day
+Annual appeal letters
The post -covid years have changed a lot for our families, our churches and your camp! Your participation in our programs make a difference as well as your generous giving. Did you know that you can set up a monthly or quarterly donation to Camp Onomia and help sustain this ministry...
Thanks for making a difference... in a place that makes a difference!
Can you include Onomia in your estate and deferred giving plans? What a fantastic way to make a difference even after you are gone. Talk to your financial advisor about how camp can benefit from your holdings and save on taxes as well!
Camp also receives equipment, property, and items in good condition to assist in this ministry. Got a bar of gold laying around? We can use that too!
Send your check today to Camp Onomia, 14202 Shakopee Lake Road, Onamia, MN 56359 and note Dining Hall Fund.
The camp board is presently laying groundwork for a capital appeal to raise funds to replace the ageing Friendship Hall. The present dining hall as the first building at camp, built in 1949. Lets face it, it is just old and tired!
We are presently receiving large sum donations to allow us to kick off the general funding drive in a year or so.
​Can you help us with a $5000- $50,000 commitment to help us get this appeal moving today?